Art Club 88 launched!

The world's first investment platform-museum

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Our products

Art Club 88

Tokenize blue-chip art

Dimple Finance

Most efficient liquidity staking protocol for EVM-based blockchains

Soldex AI

Scalable and Decentralized Exchange. Built on Solana

Staking as a service

Blockchain masternodes in (d)POS blockchains

Rundax Wallet

Crypto iOS Wallet (Deprecated)

Check our official GitHub repository


Blockchain infrastucture

Huge experience developing and maintaining blockchain infrastructure.

Web Apps

Creating secure high-load web services with perfect design and user experience.

Mobile clients

To be handy! Best apps with native experience for most popular platforms iOS and Android.

Our Amazing Team

Roman Slysh

Founder and CEO

Andrew Chorny

Co-founder and CTO


Senior Fullstack Engineer

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